Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dreams Decoded: Do We Experience Our Past Lives While We Sleep?

     Ah, to dream.  We have come to associate dreaming with bliss, or in the achieving of the ultimate escape.  Or, perhaps what comes to mind is the plotting of a brighter future or a different reality, as we "dream" a wish that we would like to see fulfilled.  Dreams are an integral part of the human experience, and studies have shown that animals, and therefore perhaps even all beings, dream.  But, what are dreams?  Why do we have them?  And, most mysterious of all, what the heck do they mean?
     Most of us can recall at least one dream that made us go hmm.  Even for those of you who are lucky enough to achieve a deep enough sleep state that you don't often remember your dreams (a state that I haven't experienced since I had kids) will occasionally have one that will be so powerful that it makes you sit bolt upright in bed at 3 am.  Science has shown through the study of brainwaves that we dream several times a night even if we don't wake enough to remember them.  Quite puzzling, don't you think?
     So, where do these dreams come from?  The simple answer here is that they are manifestations of material directly from our subconscious minds.  Our subconscious is a generic way to refer to the large percentage of our minds that we don't utilize on a daily basis (the 10 or so percent that we do use is what we generally call our conscious minds, minus the parts that dictate our primal urges and body functions).  You don't have to be a mathematician to figure that 90% can contain a whole lot of "stuff".  I also believe that the subconscious could even represent our untapped potential as human beings and contains forgotten memories (including past life memories), unrealized psychic abilities such as telepathy, and spiritual knowledge about the universe that we cannot possibly comprehend with our dinky 10% brains.  I might have also just explained why our dreams can be so weird.
     I love people's dream stories.  They tell me so much about themselves in a short, concise, and quite entertaining way.  As they recount the details of their most recent recurring dream, most people laugh and warn me that their story is ridiculous and that I am going to think that they are a little bit "nuts".  Dreams are hodge-podge mixes of memories, desires, fears, and premonitions that piece together to form a veritable quilt that represents the whole of the subconscious.  So, of course if you retell a dream as if you were recounting a conscious mind story it can sound like a real whacked out adventure, like that you are running down a corridor with two heads chasing your ex-boyfriend who suddenly looks like Imelda Marcos (yes, a real one of mine).  But why are we dreaming these "stories"?
     We dream because our "inner selves" (a term that I use to acknowledge the spiritual connotations of our subconscious minds) are trying to tell us something.  This is an important part of our drive to evolve, meaning that subconsciously we want to learn and grow.  Dreams are a gift, as we are being given a small piece of our inner self that we are meant to chew on, digest and thus integrate into our conscious minds.  When we dream, we are quite literally being shown the truth as according to our older, wiser, inner, spiritual self.  I learned an important truth about myself from having the above named Imelda dream, and it aided me in more consciously making a decision that has proven invaluable in my life.
     So, what do dreams have to do with past lives and hypnosis?  Aside from being a self-professed dream expert from having had some real doozies myself (and maybe even from my own past lives as an astrologer who interpreted dreams a very long time ago and as a Jungian psychologist not so long ago) there is a very important connection between dreams and hypnosis and dreams and past lives.  The simplest way to explain this is that we most often will experience hypnosis much like we dream, and that our dreams will often contain material that are past life memories.  These experiences all deal with the act of tapping into the subconscious, and are therefore inextricably linked.
     People often wonder what the experience of hypnosis will be like, and there are a whole slew of misconceptions about it in popular culture.  The best way I have found to describe it to someone who has not experienced it is to compare it to having a lucid dream.  A lucid dream is one of those dreams in which you aren't really asleep, and you aren't really awake, but yet you are aware that you are having a dream.  Most of us can even make decisions during a lucid dream, and they tend to be vivid, memorable, and multi-sensory.  This is very much what hypnosis is like; only during hypnosis you achieve that hyper relaxed and very receptive state on purpose.  There is an obvious association with frequent lucid dreamers (and also those who talk and walk in their sleep) and those who have a high hypnotic capacity.
     When I meet with someone for the first time, I will spend a good deal of the first part of the session questioning a person about his or her dreams.  This ends up being a bit of a short cut for me, as I can act as a more efficient guide during a past life regression if I already know how they experience their dreams.  I will ask someone if they "see" their dreams in vivid detail, or if they just sense them.  I want to know if they hear noises or voices, and also what perspective they usually experience their dreams from (if they are watching it from above or inside their own body).  The vast majority of the time, with some inevitable exceptions, you will experience hypnosis like you dream.  (See my previous blog "Psychic Phenomena" for more detail on "ways of seeing").  Why is it the same?  Because it comes from the same place, the subconscious mind is the source of your dreams as well as the place that you actively access when you are under hypnosis.
     So then, how can you tell if your dream contains a past life memory?  There are several clues, the most obvious being the details around you in your dreamscape.  If you are driving a horse and buggy rather than your trusty 2003 Ford Escort, you may possibly be experiencing a past life.  Ditto for old-fashioned clothing styles, landscape and terrain that are unfamiliar in this life, and structures or objects that are not modern.  Perhaps you even have enough awareness of yourself in your dream to know that you are a different gender or ethnicity than you are currently, which would certainly be a hallmark of a possible past life dream.
     In my opinion, the largest indicator that you might be "dreaming your memories" lies in the emotions that you feel while you are experiencing the dream.  This is not to say that all dreams are not emotional, because they certainly are.  Our dreams draw out raw and real feelings for us in order to make us pay attention to them, and so that we are able to reference them later by way of our library of emotions that we have all managed to amass simply by being human.  But, a memory has a very specific emotional quality to it that will stand out if you take the time to give it some thought.
     Whether our dreams contain a past life memory or not, the important thing to focus on is what they mean to us.  As I mentioned earlier, they are a direct line into our inner selves and tend to be related to events or themes that are happening (or are about to happen) in our current lives.  They emerge to educate us about a truth that we cannot see, help us to make more conscious decisions, and resolve our various issues in a better and more loving way.  This is exactly the same purpose that a past life regression serves in our lives, as well as deep meditation and contemplation.  To probe around in our inner minds is to become more self aware, and therefore more enlightened beings.  Our dreams can be an amazing tool in this process.
     So, how can we know what our dreams mean?  They usually end up being a twisted jumble of memory, symbolism and something that you may have seen on television right before you fell asleep.  Although there are many wonderful books on dream symbolism, and experts that you can consult, at the end of the day it is you and only you who can accurately interpret your dreams.  This is because the material contained in dreams is supremely personal, and is distributed through your own, unique filter through which you perceive the world.
     Your dreams are literally you relaying a message to you.  A symbol book might tell you that the color black means something bad or ominous, but you might love black so much that you wear nothing else.  In that case, the appearance of the color black in your dream might represent you and not that something terrible is about to happen.  It didn't take me too long to figure out that my two heads in the Imelda dream didn't mean that I literally had them, but that they represented two different and opposing sides of myself.
     I encourage each of you to begin keeping a notebook beside your bed at night, as writing your dreams down when they are fresh will aid in your ability to recall them in the morning after you have, hopefully, returned to a state of restful sleep after the dream.  This act will help set a powerful intention that the dreams will come and aid us as we work hard to traverse life and the myriad of challenges that come with it.  As you practice this, you will become your own dream expert as you learn more about yourself and the workings of your inner mind.  You will naturally become aware of your past lives and how they relate to your life today, as well as tune into your own prophetic powers as you wade through the symbolism to uncover your own possible future.  So now, sleep well and dream, as you never know what you might discover about yourself tonight.   


Thoughts on paper said...

hi Michelle! was just going through your blog. It is really wonderful and very helping as i too am quite disturbed with a dream of continuously seeing myself in a palace somewhere i guess in Rajasthan, India seeing myself dressed that very way and seeing a marriage happening and after it sumtimes seeing a girl jumping in a well.I am an Indian but have never been to Rajashthan but can see the place very clearly and feel very strongly to go there as if something is calling me. Sometimes i also see my dead grandfather in my dreams telling about the future or giving me a big heavy necklace with the pendant having the image of sun on it . Are these my illusions or ...can you help me please!!!!!

Vmr2012 said...

I have had the same recurring dream for a few years now, and I explained all of it to the only person I talk to these things about which is my grandmother. In this dream I am in another woman's body and it is the 50's-70's im not sure what year, but I am walking into a nice house, and I apparently own it. I described inside, and out what it looked like in detail and told my grandmother about it. In the dream it is like a sequel and I always look in a gold full length mirror which is near the front door which is how I know what I look like in this dream mode. She said that is the exact description of her aunt Rose's body and face and house, who is dead now. When she said the name Rose I got this weird feeling of De-Ja-Vu. Sharon (my grandmother) had never told me about this woman, I had never even heard of her but it was like I somehow knew the name. I also will say that I believe I have some abilities mentally, that are a little powerful such as physic. For an instance I will be listening to the radio and all the sudden a song will pop in my head and that song comes on the radio which happens A LOT, also I will have a dream one night tragic or great, and when I wake up, that day that same EXACT thing happens. This happens about ever other night or every few nights. I don't believe in religion or anything like that, if you didn't already guess, I am a very deeply spiritual person. I have been studying for the past 2 years on how to contact with my past lives. I think these reminiscent dreams are a sign of guidance. My beliefs are that we are all star children and that universe knows everything. When people talk about Jesus, and god and such I believe they were enlightened people, and people to look up to, but not necessarily above us people, I believe that if a person becomes enlightened they will amount to what Jesus and God are. Also, I had another question for you, do you believe that there are certain people in this world that are older than you but you knew them in a past life but you just died and they stayed alive? I do. I believe I knew a singer in a past life. I feel a very strong connection with him that I have never felt with anyone before. Well please read this I have been dying to put this thought out there for years.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone, my name's Britain. I've been having the same recurring dream for over 3 years and it's almost every night. In my dream I am a dog or a wolf, something of the sort. I'm out, hunting, and often times once I start closing in on my kill, I wake up from cols sweats. Lately I've gotten to the point that I'm actually tearing the kill with my mouth, as a wolf would do. I've woken myself by making biting noises. I've tried to explain this to my past over but she only seemed to think I was crazy. I honestly believe that I must have been an animal in a past life. I would hope there are a couple of sites to help me further research my experiences? If so, please feel free to email me at

Anonymous said...

Hi im Dave, for about a year now I've been having a recurring dream where im a student walking through the halls of a high school. It's always lunchtime or late at night in the dream, and the hallways are usually occupied with kids. The school is always different and looks nothing like my old school. Its very eerie as every time in this dream I meet up with this girl that I believe is my girlfriend. As the dream progresses we always get separated somehow. This dream is emotionally draining because im searching aimlessly throughout the school for 'her.' This dream always has vivid imagery, and rich sensory experiences, unlike all my other dreams. Its odd because I had a consistent girlfriend through high school, and this has never been a dream I've had before. I've experienced this dream a lot, around 50-70 times in the last year. Its haunting, I think it may be in correlation to a past life.

Anonymous said...

I have that same dream over and over since I was younger? Im running from men that want to kill me and my family. We hide in a house but they know we are in there... so my mama puts me in the corner and tells dnt make a sound or move, then covers me with her arms and says something in Latin like a spell. The men walked right pass us searching for something they will never find. Im guessing they wanted ti kill us because we were witches? Idk if its a past life or wat but this dream scares me

Anonymous said...

Hello i gone through this article and its really wonderful. I always have a dream since childhood that m being chased bt 50-60 soldiers dressed in roman way, there is a river near by and m running in a forest. Also each time i see a castle or fort.They never able to catch me. and dream always end incomplete. I really want to know what happened ahead. M 21 and still i have this dream frequently. Just want to know what it really means.